The "From whence you came!" Hypothesis:
Take the germy suckers back where they came from! The only place that will still welcome you in spite of your level of germy-ness! That's right kids, I went HOME! It was my niece's first birthday and you only turn 1 once. I wasn't about to miss it, plague and all. Being home and eating Mom's cooking and lots of naps on the couch and I felt sooo much better. Good enough to deem the experiment successful.
THEN! My follow-up appointment at the doctor revealed that I actually am still sick. To quote the medical professional: "Normally when someone has this much infection in their sinuses they can barely crawl in my door. I don't know how you are upright!" To which I adamantly stated, "But I feel better!" She responded, "I can see that. You look like you feel better. You're not." She won that round. Another 2 weeks of antibiotics. Antibiotics make me feel awful. Tired and achy and sleepy and HUNGRY! So miserable.
More on my adorable niece and her fantastic-ness when I feel a little more like a human being. For now, here's a picture:
Seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen! The stud in the back isn't bad either ;-)
Awww. Thanks for the compliment. I absolutely adore this picture. I knew you didn't stay here long enough. All you needed was more home cookin & Mom care and we could have got you over this nastiness.