Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Plague

Ok, seriously folks....I think I have the plague. I have been sick for over a month! A MONTH! That's enough to drive anyone mad. I thought I had a cold for about a week. Then I revised my theory to the flu during the 2nd week. Diagnosed with a sinus infection that was spreading into my ears in the 3rd week. I resorted to the "From whence you came!" hypothesis for the 4th week. More on the 5th week below. Now I'm at the resigned acceptance stage. Maybe I'll change my name to Typhoid Mary. (except I'm the one that's sick and I don't think I've infected anyone). ((Yay for antibacterial wet wipes and anti-viral kleenex!!))

The "From whence you came!" Hypothesis:
Take the germy suckers back where they came from! The only place that will still welcome you in spite of your level of germy-ness! That's right kids, I went HOME! It was my niece's first birthday and you only turn 1 once. I wasn't about to miss it, plague and all. Being home and eating Mom's cooking and lots of naps on the couch and I felt sooo much better. Good enough to deem the experiment successful.

THEN! My follow-up appointment at the doctor revealed that I actually am still sick. To quote the medical professional: "Normally when someone has this much infection in their sinuses they can barely crawl in my door. I don't know how you are upright!" To which I adamantly stated, "But I feel better!" She responded, "I can see that. You look like you feel better. You're not." She won that round. Another 2 weeks of antibiotics. Antibiotics make me feel awful. Tired and achy and sleepy and HUNGRY! So miserable.

More on my adorable niece and her fantastic-ness when I feel a little more like a human being. For now, here's a picture:

Seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen! The stud in the back isn't bad either ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Thanks for the compliment. I absolutely adore this picture. I knew you didn't stay here long enough. All you needed was more home cookin & Mom care and we could have got you over this nastiness.
